I'm happy!
I felt so happy!
I'm smilling.
Yes, I'm!
I love the cake from you =)
Nothing special, just that I accidentally spend more than I expected. =O
Late to class bout 15 minutes I think, and I don't understand what's wrong with the HP 10bII... Why must it be so expensive? $29.99 in US, means about RM110, but why we have to pay up to RM140? RM30 can buy how many books already you know?
Sigh, this post won't be a long post as I'm damn tired after mopping whole house as this is what I should do, hand washing all the clothes and finally I have to wash the toilet. Okay, as I said, nothing special.
I'm still alive isn't it? =)
Went to level 3 with Kee to check the timetable and time slot available for us, well well well, expectable answer, he's busy enough with semester 2, 3 and 4.
Collect my transcript with Pei Ching and WHAT THE?! I got distinction for ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN ACCOUTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS. Another distinction for SET UP AND OPERATE A COMPUTERISED ACCOUNTING SYSTEM. *It has been a dream come true* If I'm not mistaken, this two subjects are lectured by Mr Chandara and not much among us got distinction. Is this a gift for me because I flug all my external paper? Well, if it is, thanks God! =D *Life is good* It's embarrassing and it doesn't have to be. I've always believed that the harder you work, the more you'll be paid. Which means, I've to work even harder.
Received the very first birthday gift from Xin Yong, D.I.Y bookmark. SO SWEET. =D
I made plenty mistakes, I just had to throw myself in there and learn. And the scary thing is you are always making decisions without knowing the future.
糊涂 我想我真得很糊涂
想要 type flag, 却 type 到 flat 真的是有够糊涂的
拿着家里的钥匙要去 start 车 真的是有够糊涂的
手上拿着肮脏的毛巾 脑袋里想着要放进洗衣机洗 却走到冰箱后才发现我在干什么 真的是有够糊涂的
今天做了好多事情 明天也一样有很多事情要去办
先说今天的 去巴刹买芋头时看到很多中学学生站在那里
原来是Flat Day
你说得对 她们始终是我的家人
你不要再加那么快了啦 很危险的...
我 没有办法不想你
如果一切照旧 什么都没有发生到的话
那么 今年的生日应该是我和你一起度过的
而我 也不会那么伤心难过
我不是和你没话好说 而是我知道 或许我给你带来的永远只有伤害
你说我怀疑你对我的感情 其实我没有
我活得充实 但是我不快乐
你真得很傻 很傻
我 还是很喜欢你