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shuling722.@blogspot.com ♥
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

好想离开 寻找一个无人的荒岛
放下繁忙的脚步 好好享受大自然的一切
不用在乎别人的眼神 逍遥自在的漫步
宁可用自己的手去打猎 也不愿看到那些爱骂人的嘴脸
虽然想象中的荒岛的生活有点闷 有点遥远
不用为了前途而伤脑筋 为了笨重的功课掉了一整地的头发 为了不用挨骂而拚了死命的读书
也许我不会那么消极 但是我真得好想走
一走了之也好 风风火火的消失也罢

我 可以吗?
Sunday, August 23, 2009

It's raining again, but I'm here to write something. Just to take a break after waking up at 8:40a.m. and vacuum the floor as I don't like dirty and hairy floor. Some people like me really care bout the sanitation, feel so good when everything is in order.

I gotta feeling, that today's gonna be a good day. Because I do remember what Zhi Xiang told me, forgive and forget. She appologize and I accepted, happy ending isn't it? She's right, friends is much more better then foe. =D

♥ raining ♥

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Seems like today I didn't go out to sell ice kacang is a good decision, it's raining out there. I'm not moody, but I really don't have that kind of mood to eat. At least I'm not hungry at all. Studying tax for 5 hours and I really need a break. Preparing for next Saturday test, felt so suprise when lecturer called my name to answer the question just now, thanks Aaron for helping me.

Frankly speaking I'm okay to repeat all the subjects that I flunk last semester, but I can't stand with the enviroment in the class. It's so noisy and some of the student really damn bad manners, can't stop talking and making jokes. There's too much student in one class that's why they start to have some kind of misunderstand, but not all of them. At least I meet someone like Weinee, Ginnie, Martin, Jojo, Juwel, Jiehong, Yinseang, Rashed, and many many more. But some really like what Aaron told me, some really looks like vampire and horse face *lol*

Most of the girl in the class really care bout their outlook until they forget what is the meaning of 'inner beauty'. But this is what all the girls care about aint it? Excluded me. Thanks god at least I've friends like weinee and ginnie which I really appreciate this two girl very much. They pay 100% attention in class, unless they're sick or sleepy.

I'm not a judge, but then I know that they seldom absent compare to all the seniors. They just love to be late.

Get well soon Weinee.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Overcast sky again, felt so lazy to go out for dinner and want to stay at home for tonight. *Cough cough*
I want to recover as soon as possible, really cant stay with Big Bite's Bihun Vege Soup which cost me RM 3.70 anymore. Tasteless and tasteless, suitable for people like me....

I don't want to go out
I don't want to eat
I don't want to be like that =(
Saturday, August 1, 2009

It's raining and it's a very good timing to sleep as well. Especially for those people who like to sleep and stay at home. This semester seems to be very free for me as I'm taking four external papers and no assignment for me at all. All I have to do is be prepare for the final and the test that will be given by Mr Tan. Damn it! I don't understand who is the one that create income tax and is it a must to make the tax law become so difficult to understand? No point to blame the people, and I guess it's time for me to rest. =) Take care everybody! Get more rest and drink more water, but don't forget to work harder for our own future! Sweet dreams! =)

I love chocolate
I love snoopy
I love iPod
Sunday, July 26, 2009

I'm happy!
I felt so happy!
I'm smilling.
Yes, I'm!

I love the cake from you =)
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nothing special, just that I accidentally spend more than I expected. =O

Late to class bout 15 minutes I think, and I don't understand what's wrong with the HP 10bII... Why must it be so expensive? $29.99 in US, means about RM110, but why we have to pay up to RM140? RM30 can buy how many books already you know?

Sigh, this post won't be a long post as I'm damn tired after mopping whole house as this is what I should do, hand washing all the clothes and finally I have to wash the toilet. Okay, as I said, nothing special.

I'm still alive isn't it? =)